Reid: Books at Springvale Botanical Cemetery

Springvale Botanical Cemetery
AKA Springvale Botanical Gardens
AKA Springvale Cemetery
AKA Springvale Crematorium
600 Princess Highway, Springvale, Victoria, Australia
Phone (03) 8558 8278

There is an extensive deceased search on the website. You will need to know a location prior to attending. A map is essential. In the case of these books they are housed in glass huts (autumn, winter, spring and summer) and are only available at certain times if you wish to view them. You can buzz for a caretaker to turn them to the page you require - otherwise they are set for the day you visit

All photos taken by Lisa Lionnet-Swaan 17/6/2016

This is a record for Evelyn Reid and her husband Hugh
Evelyn's book is in the Winter Hut under death date.
Hugh's hook is in the Summer Hut under death date.

Reid (Salter), Evelyn Maud (79)                      
died 8th July 1972 / 15066               

Reid, Hugh Norman Leo (78)                           
died 30th Dec 1970; 1971 / 386  

Evelyn's book and caption

Hugh's book and caption

The books started several years after the Reid's deaths in the 1980's. I wondered about the timing gap between their deaths and the books commencement.

After contacting the cemetery (31/1/2018) I learnt originally both Hugh and Evelyn had plaques in the Cassia Rose Garden but their tenure expired in 1997. It is unknown if the plaques were returned to the family or sent back to the manufacturers for recycling. The cemetery staff provided the following information.

Hugh's original plaque read
In Loving memory of H. N. Leo Reid
died 30 / 12 / 1978 Aged 78

Evelyn's original plaque read
In loving memory of E. M. Reid
died 8 / 7 / 1972 Aged 79

I wonder what happened to their ashes. If you know please leave me a comment. May be they were scattered? Maybe they were returned to the family?


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