Reddick Grave at Yarram Cemetery

Yarram Cemetery
Lot 8L Hyland highway, Yarram, Victoria

Records held by the Yarram Cemetery Trust
18 Dew drop road, Yarram, Vic. 3971
Phone (03) 5182 6640
Secretary is listed as Anne Lawler

The Pioneer Cemetery (1873 - 1913) was located at 298 Commercial Road. It is no longer in use.
It is now a park with a recognition plaque at the entrance.

Yarram New Cemetery is a short way out of town

Reddick, William George (67)      died 23rd Nov 1951 / 24642          C of E Section 
                                                                                                                     Grave number unknown
Photos taken by Lisa Lionnet-Swaan 26/5/2018


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